Introducing the projects of the Inquiry Intelligence Center researchers.
About X-Bridge
X-Bridge is a project that predicts bridges that may be washed away by floods and connects them to climate change adaptation. Anyone can participate in the X-Bridge workshop, where you can learn about GIS and hazard maps, and by actually using them, you can visualize the risk of bridges being washed away in your daily life. If workshops are held widely and more data is collected, it will be possible to consider countermeasures in the event of a flood more broadly and in detail.
X-Bridge(cross bridge)*1

Due to climate change caused by global warming, flood disasters are expected to become more severe, and the software aims to ``at least protect lives and prevent catastrophic damage to society and the economy'' from the largest class of floods. Measures are required. Under these circumstances, it is effective to enhance non-structural measures through the cross-sectoral utilization of the abundant data on cities, traffic, weather, etc. held by the national and local governments and where open data is being promoted. It is considered.
Therefore, we created a method to visualize bridges with a high risk of being washed away during floods (hereinafter referred to as "high-risk bridges") using GIS open data, and we packaged this method and held workshops around Japan and online. We devised "✕-Bridge", an activity to create electronic maps.
Risk assessment for bridges can be performed using the hazard map portal site's "anticipated flood area (maximum scale)" and various GIS open data, which provides a wealth of bridge-related information. Use the National Q Map*2. A hazard map is displayed on the national Q map, and bridges where access roads are expected to be flooded are determined to be high-risk bridges.
✕-Bridge has developed an educational tool that can be used by the general public, who may not be familiar with such information, to help assess the risks of local bridges at schools and community workshops. These workshops can raise awareness of disaster prevention, provide education for sustainable development, and can be expected to help comprehensively adapt to climate change.
※1 This research is supported by the Digital Earth Joint Usage and Research Program for Kobe Institute of Information Studies and Chubu University Problem Complex.
※2 National Q Map, an integrated viewing site for various topographic maps and map information https://info.qchizu.xyz/
Workshop materials

The projected materials for the workshop are available to the public, and the content to be discussed on each slide is written in the notes in PowerPoint (of course, you are free to change them to make them easier to talk about). The example time allocation is 50 minutes, but this is the minimum time. If possible, we recommend doubling the time to 100 minutes and allocating it in the same proportion. In particular, I think it would be a good idea to spend a lot of time on actual operations and discussions. Of course, you are free to change the structure to suit the purpose and participants.
・PDF ・PowerPoint
We recommend that you learn the following terms before holding a workshop. We will post websites that explain each term.
・気候変動適応…国立環境研究所 気候変動適応情報プラットフォーム「気候変動と適応」
・GIS(Geographic Information System:地理情報システム)…国土地理院「GISとは…」

・2022年9月27日 ワークショップ@兵庫県立龍野高校
・2023年3月11日 [アーバンデータチャレンジ2022ファイナル]銀賞・土木学会インフラデータチャレンジ賞ダブル受賞
・2023年4月~2024年3月 防災教育チャレンジプラン
・2023年6月26日~27日 ワークショップ@関西学院千里国際高等部
・2023年8月9日 ワークショップ@兵庫県立御影高校
・2023年9月14日~15日 土木学会全国大会

I think the best way to learn is to hold a workshop yourself, but it is also possible for our project group to host or support the workshop. If you have any questions, please feel free to send them to the contact information below. In addition, to make the workshop easier to hold, we will hold "Mokumoku-kai" where participants will actually map bridges in various regions together (starting in March 2024, 1st Tuesday of the month from 9:30pm to 10pm). (The frequency of the event is currently under consideration.) We will inform you on our Facebook page Peatix, so if you are interested, please join us.
<X-Bridge Project>
Special Thanks
This initiative is supported by the Digital Earth Project of Kobe Institute of Information Science and Chubu University.
In 2023, we will also participate in and receive support from the Disaster Prevention Education Challenge Plan.